Imperfect people pursuing God’s perfect plan for our lives.
Imperfect people pursuing God’s perfect plan for our lives.
While Jesus didn’t prescribe any particular discipleship formulas or programs, in light of the commission He gave His followers in Matthew 28 to make disciples, we think it does necessitate some intentionality on our part.
Discipleship, or disciple-making, is the calling and responsibility of every believer. So we are both made, and called to make disciples.
To put it simply, a disciple is a fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ. Not perfect, but following the One who is.
With all our discipleship efforts, our desire is to see people growing as responsible followers of Jesus, responsible family members, responsible stewards, and responsible disciple-makers.
Our holistic approach to discipleship involves equipping efforts, ministry opportunities, and engaging scripture together.
We believe that as we consistently engage the word of God together in community, seeking to apply it to our lives, we will grow as a result, with the help of the Holy Spirit.
With the Bible as the centerpiece of our disciple-making efforts, we’ve adopted an integrated approach that involves engaging scripture in three ways.
The first way we engage scripture is through personal study, where we take it upon ourselves to explore the passage on our own and consider its application to our lives. We do this in advance of our Sunday gathering where the same passage we've been studying will be the basis of the talk.
The second way we engage scripture is through the Sunday talk where the Word of God is preached. Our Sunday talks build upon the foundation laid by our personal study and help provide a theological framework for understanding the passage so that we can know more about God and His plan for us.
The third way we engage scripture is in a Discipleship Group where we work through how to apply God's truth to our lives. These are gender-specific groups up to four people that provide a relational context where the combination of personal study and the preaching from the previous Sunday fuel discussion about what God has been revealing to us on a personal level.
The Weekly Bible Passage can be found here, at the very top of any page on this site, and it is also posted on all our social media feeds (Instagram, twitter, and facebook).
Our Discipleship Groups are gender-specific small groups of up to 4 people that meet weekly and commit to help one another experience spiritual growth and live out their faith. While we are thrilled to see Christians encouraging one another in any form, Discipleship Groups at Collective Church are something very specific as they are the third part of the integrated process outlined above.
People meet up with their Discipleship Group to discuss how God has been encouraging, convicting, challenging, and comforting them through their personal study and the previous Sunday’s talk. An emphasis is placed on discovering what obedience looks like and how we might actually live out our faith. Our prayer is that Discipleship Groups would help facilitate people growing in Christ-likeness.
There is no designated leader in any of our Discipleship Groups. Rather than being leader-driven, the group functions as each member commits to help the others grow. This shared commitment keeps the group on track with built-in accountability.
Discipleship Groups meet weekly at a time and location of their own choosing. This makes it easier for more people to participate in our integrated discipleship process because groups are meeting up all throughout the week
Discipleship Groups form as people relationally connect and decide to commit to the process together. That means you can form a new group or join an existing one. One obvious way to meet others is through a Neighborhood Dinner. As you connect with people, consider how well your life rhythms, work schedule, and neighborhood of residence, line up with theirs. If you need some help, let us know.
It’s really easy for well-meaning discipleship efforts to become bogged down in complexity and we’re trying to keep it simple. On a fundamental level, Discipleship Groups are simply about people committing to help one another grow spiritually through the regular examination and application of God’s word. Rather than micromanaging the process or "arranging marriages," so to speak, we think it’s best for people to connect on a relational level and go from there. That said, we can still assist in the process when needed.
There are a few very practical reasons for this. By keeping the size of the group small, there are fewer schedules to coordinate between the members of the group, introverts are more likely to participate, and the smaller size of the group ensures everyone gets a chance to fully engage in discussion.
While there are good reasons for capping Discipleship Groups at four, rather than considering the group maxed out, Discipleship Groups should have regular conversations about how they can make discipleship available to more people by simply spinning off a new group. The new person coming in becomes the catalyst for the group to become two separate groups, and between the two groups there will be space for three more people to participate.
That’s not a problem. The disciple-making process at Collective Church isn't limited by the availability of mature Christians who can take less mature Christians under their wing. That approach could lead to being very man-centered instead of relying on the Holy Spirit to empower and enable us to edify and encourage one another. In this “one another” approach to disciple-making, we believe that anyone who has the Spirit of God living inside of them has the capacity to encourage others to live for Jesus.
Let us help you.