The Armor of God - The Belt of Truth

Sunday, July 11th, 2021

If you missed last week’s overview of The Armor of God, check it out HERE before going through this lesson.


Read Ephesians 6:10-20 with your child(ren).



Read the below and see if you think they are TRUE or FALSE.

  • Mosquito spray doesn’t make mosquitos fly away from you. It actually HIDES you from them.

  • Horses fall asleep standing up.

  • A pineapple grows on a tree.

  • The Statue of Liberty is wearing sandals.

All of them are true EXCEPT the one about the pineapples. They actually grow in the ground! A couple of these are tricky, right? It’s hard to know sometimes what is TRUE and what is FALSE or a LIE.

  • Do you know what the word TRUTH means?

When something is true, it means it is a fact. It’s real and you can count on it.

  • So if the TRUTH is a fact, what do you think a lie is?

A lie is something that is UNTRUE or not real. It is false and you should not believe it! In the video, it talked about the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve and the Snake.

  • Do you remember what the Snake did?

  • Do you know who the Snake is?

The Snake is Satan and he lied to Adam and Eve. He tricked them into thinking that God lied to them. Then they did something they shouldn’t have and felt bad. Sooo, what does all this have to do with the Armor of God and The Belt of Truth? Well, I’m glad you asked!

Everything and I mean everything that God says is TRUE or a FACT. Did you know that God cannot lie? He can’t! It’s impossible. And everything about him is TRUE.

But Satan is the opposite. He only LIES and he wants people to believe LIES. Satan wants people to think that no one loves them. He wants them to make mistakes. He wants them to think they are not good enough.

God wants his people to be protected from believing Satan’s lies, so it says in Ephesians 6:14 to put on The Belt of Truth! This just means that God wants the people that love him to fight Satan by believing what is really TRUE.

  • Where do you think we can find out what God says is TRUE?

Everything that God says is TRUE is in the Bible. Here are some things that are TRUE!

  • God loves you no matter what!

  • God will NEVER leave you!

  • God will always protect you!

  • God thinks you are so important!

  • God made you so of course you are awesome!

  • God sent Jesus to die for you!

  • God forgives you!

The next time you start to believe something bad about yourself, put on The Belt of Truth and remember what God says is TRUE!

Worship Together


Craft Idea


Belt of Truth

Template HERE and instructions below

  • Cut out a few long strips of paper and tape them together so they can go around your waist. This is the belt.

  • Color and cut out the belt items from the template.

  • Write in something true about God in the blank items.

  • Glue the items onto your belt of truth and it’s ready to wear!

Coloring/Activity Sheets

  • Belt of Truth Coloring Page - Download HERE

  • Armor of God Word Search - Download HERE

April Medina