The Armor of God - Fighting Sin!

Sunday, July 4th, 2021


Read Ephesians 6:10-20 with your child(ren).



  • Have you seen The Incredibles?

  • Who is the good guy or the hero in the movie?

  • Who is the bad guy?

Did you know that in real life there is a really good guy and a really bad guy? It’s true!

  • Who do you think the really bad guy is in our world?

  • Who do you think the really good guy is? Who is our hero?

Satan is the really, really bad guy in this world. He’s sneaky and mean and he tries to get people to do bad things. And you know what’s really bad about him? He hates God! Yikes!

So Satan is the bad guy and the good guy or the hero is God. God protects us. He gives us things we need and best of all, he sent Jesus to die for us so that we would be rescued from sin. He’s the goodest good guy there is and HE LOVES YOU!

Most good guys and bad guys are fighting against each other right?

  • Did you know that God and Satan are fighting against each other too?

  • What do you think they are fighting over?

They are fighting over YOU and ME and everyone else in the world. Kinda crazy, huh?! God wants everyone to love him and to be rescued from sin, but Satan wants everyone to make bad choices. Satan wants you to lie to your parents and to steal candy from the store and to hit your brother or sister. He’s no good!

Trying not to do bad things can be pretty hard, right? God knew that so he gave the people that love him protection against sin. It’s called the FULL ARMOR OF GOD! You just watched a video about it.

  • What are the 6 pieces of the armor of God in Ephesians 6:14-17?

I think you got ‘em, but here they are just in case!

  1. The belt of truth

  2. The breastplate of righteousness

  3. The shoes of the gospel of peace

  4. The shield of faith

  5. The helmet of salvation

  6. The sword of the Spirit

The armor of God helps protect us against sneaky Satan and God wants the people that love him to put it on EVERY DAY. Wait a sec? Soooo, I should carry a sword around??

Nope, that would be crazy! This isn’t real armor so you don’t have to buy a sword and carry it with you or put on a helmet when you wake up. It’s kind of hard to understand so we are going to talk about each piece of the armor together. Next Sunday, we will talk about the BELT of TRUTH!

So this week, just remember that God gives his people armor to protect them against sin! Listen to these songs all week to start to remember the pieces of the armor!

Worship Together


There is no craft this week. In the weeks to come, we will have crafts for each piece of the armor of God!

Coloring Sheet

  • Full Armor of God Coloring Page - Download HERE

April Medina