Amos and the Vision of the Plumb Line

Sunday, July 26th, 2020


Watch this video created by Crossroads Kids’ Club and then discuss.


  • What is a prophet?

    • Before Jesus came, God spoke to His people through prophets. The prophets has some bad news and some good news for people.

      • The bad news was that they were sinners. They needed to turn away from sin and towards God!

      • The good news was that one day a rescuer would come. He would die for our sin once and for all.

    • Who is the rescuer?


Watch this video created by Life Kids and then discuss.


  • Amos was shown many visions by God, but one of the visions was of a plumb line. What is a plumb line?

    • A plumb line shows whether or not something is perfectly straight and upright.

  • God said that he was going to check the uprightness of the people of Israel like a plumb line. What does upright mean?

    • Upright means being honest, just and doing what is right in God’s eyes

  • The people that Amos was told to send a message to had turned away from God. Their hearts had become crooked. How did their hearts become crooked?

    • They stopped following God’s law and did whatever they wanted.

    • They stopped caring for the poor and needy.

    • They worshipped idols. Do you know what an idol is?

  • We can use God’s word, the Bible, as our plumb line, but did you know that Jesus is also like our plumb line showing us what is good and right? Here’s why. Read these together and discuss.

    • A plumb line is ALWAYS perfect. It doesn’t matter how you hold it.

      • Who is the only person we know that lived a perfect life without sin?

    • We can never be perfect like the plumb line.

      • Why can’t we be perfect?

    • The plumb line can be used by ANYONE. You just have to believe that the plumb line is telling you that something is straight or right.

      • Is Jesus for everyone?

  • Our hearts will always be a little crooked because we are not perfect and we sin, but that is why God sent Jesus to die for us.

    • Talk about Christ’s sacrifice for us and how it makes are hearts a little less crooked.


Craft Ideas


Supplies Needed:

  • String

  • Tape

  • Metal washer, bolt or something heavy to tie to the bottom of the string

Tie the heavy item to the bottom of the string. Color/decorate THIS Jesus is Like a Plumb Line print out. Tape the top of the string to the print out. If it is to flimsy, use a stick or straw to stabilize it. Now you can go around measuring things to see if they are upright or straight!


Coloring Sheet

New City Catechism for Kids

Perfection is good to measure against, but because of sin, we will never be perfect and that is OKAY. This question and answer from the New City Catechism can help with this. Listen to this together this week.

  • The video version is available HERE

  • The audio only version of this is available HERE on Spotify.

April Medina