The Greatest Commandment

Sunday, August 2nd, 2020


Read Matthew 22:34-38 with your child(ren).

Object Lesson

Cut out a large heart with craft paper, poster board or use a dry erase board if you have one. Ask your child(ren) what they love and write them down in the heart.


After the heart is filled up, ask, “Is there enough room left to love God?”


If you have a dry erase board, erase some things and write GOD to take up space. If you are using craft paper, you can simply write it in over the other things. Just make sure it’s large!

See how big God is in our heart now! We can fit other things in that we love, just as long as God is most important!



  • God said that the greatest commandment is to love Him with all our hearts, minds and souls. What does that mean?

    • What do you do with your mind or your brain? How can you love God with your mind?

      • We use our minds to learn and we can love God with our mind by learning more about Him. We can read our Bibles for that!

      • We can also love God with our minds by being careful about what we put in our mind. We can be careful about things we watch or listen to.

    • What do you do with your heart?

      • We can love God with our hearts by making God most important. Of course, we can LOVEEEE pizza and our friends and our family, but God wants us to love Him the most, because HE LOVES US THE MOST!

    • What are some ways that you can love God this week with your heart and your mind?

Worship Together

Watch this video created by Hillsong Kids Jr.


Craft Ideas


Template HERE

Cut out, hole punch and string all items together.


Coloring/Activity Sheets

April Medina