The Armor of God - The Helmet of Salvation

Sunday, August 22nd, 2021

This is week 6 of our Armor of God series. Check out the others HERE if you want to before going through this lesson.


Read Ephesians 6:10-20 with your child(ren).



  • Do you ride a bike or a scooter?

  • Do you wear a helmet?

  • Why do you wear a helmet?

If you said to protect your head, you are right! Nobody wants to hurt their head if they fall. A helmet protects your head, but it protects something super important in your head.

  • Do you know what it is?

It’s your BRAIN and protecting your brain is SUPER DUPER important. Your brain helps you do everything. Your brain tells your arm to move when you want it to. It tells your mouth to open and close to chew your food. It would make a whole lot of things hard to do if your brain was hurt.

So what does this have to do with our lesson? Well, we also use our brains to think and to make choices. We can make good choices or bad choices.

  • Have you ever made a mistake or hurt someone’s feelings?

  • Do you remember how you felt when you did that?

  • Did you think bad things about yourself or maybe even that you shouldn’t be forgiven?

Sometimes, when we make mistakes or mess up, we can think some pretty bad things about ourselves. I’ve messed up before and felt really sad. I’ve even thought that I don’t deserve to be loved.

God’s enemy, Satan, loves it when we think bad things about ourselves. He wants people to make bad choices and to think that they aren’t good enough to be loved by God. He’s a really mean guy!!

So God’s people have to protect themselves from these thoughts and the easiest way to stop thinking about bad things is to think about good things! And there’s one really, really, really good thing God’s people can always think about. It’s called SALVATION.

  • Do you know what the word Salvation means?

Salvation means getting right with God. When someone believes that Jesus died for their sins and then rose again, they are SAVED or RESCUED from sin!

God wants his people to put on the HELMET of SALVATION so that when bad thoughts come or they make mistakes, they can remember that NOTHING they ever do can make God stop loving them!

Worship Together


Craft Ideas


Helmet of Salvation Craft (Easy)

  • Cut out a long strip of paper and measure it around your head.

  • Cut it so that it fits around your head and won’t fall off.

  • Now cut out other strips of paper and glue or tape them to make the top portion of the helmet. (see picture above)

  • Write “The Helmet of Salvation” on the main headband part of the helmet.


Coloring/Activity Sheets

  • Helmet of Salvation Coloring Page - Download HERE

  • Armor of God Wordsearch - Download HERE

April Medina