The Armor of God - The Shield of Faith

Sunday, August 8th, 2021

This is week 5 of our Armor of God series. Check out the others HERE if you want to before going through this lesson.


Read Ephesians 6:10-20 with your child(ren).



In Ephesians 6:16, it says:

In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one;

  • Have you ever seen a flaming dart?

  • What do you think that would even look like??

I imagine a super strong arrow with fiery flames coming out of it. Scary, huh?

  • What would you do if that was coming at you?

  • Would you run, would you hide?

I would scream like a little baby and run as fast as I could, but what if there were lots of them?! AHHHHHHHH!!!

Don’t worry! In real life, flaming arrows aren’t coming at you, right? Right! But, in the Bible, God isn’t talking about real flaming arrows. Whew, what a relief!! He is talking about something else. God is talking about sin and doubt.

  • Do you know what the word DOUBT means?

It means having questions about something before believing it or even having questions when you know you should believe something. God wants his people to BELIEVE that what he says is true. God promises many things to his people. He promises to take care of them, protect them and to love them no matter what. And even when his people don’t feel like God loves them, he wants them to believe it anyway.

  • Do you know what God calls that?

It’s called FAITH. It means totally trusting God and what he says is true no matter what.

  • So how do you think having a shield of TRUST protects God’s people from arrows of sin or doubt?

Well, let’s think about what happened in the Garden of Eden with Adam, Eve and the tricky Snake. Do you know that story?

  • What did the Snake or Satan tell Eve? How did he trick her?

Remember that Satan is a mean guy! He got Eve to DOUBT God. He tricked her into not trusting God.That’s what Satan is trying to do to God’s people all the time. He tells lies to people, gets them to doubt what God’s says is true and gets them to sin.

God knows that Satan will try to trick his people. God wants them to protect themselves by TRUSTING in him. When they do trust God, the arrows can’t even touch them!!

Isn’t that cool?! Sooo, if you love God and follow Jesus, remember to have FAITH and TRUST God so that you can be protected from sin and doubt!

Worship Together


Craft Ideas


Shield of Faith

  • If you have a printer, print THIS out and glue to your shield!

  • If you don’t have a printer, you can just write out SHIELD OF FAITH on the plate.

  • Cut out a strip of paper to make a handle and glue it to the back of the plate like in the photo above!

  • Make it even cooler by glueing foil to your shield so you can blind the enemy with the brightness of your shield!!

Coloring/Activity Sheets

  • Shield of Faith Coloring Page 1 - Download HERE

  • Shield of Faith Coloring Page 2 - Download HERE

  • Shield of Faith Maze - Download HERE


Block the Arrows! Crumple up a bunch of pieces of paper. These will be the fiery arrows of the evil one! One person can take up the SHIELD OF FAITH that you made in the craft. The other person can throw the paper at the person with the shield. Try to block as many “arrows” as you can in 1 minute! Now switch. Whoever blocks the most arrows in a minute wins!

Make it even more meaningful by saying things when throwing the paper like, “Lie to your parents!”, “Steal!”, “You’re not good enough!”. Use the shield of faith to block these lies and temptations to sin and doubt!

April Medina