Build on the Rock

Sunday, January 31st, 2021


  • Read Matthew 7:24-27 with your child(ren).



What do you think of when you hear the word, ROCK?

Maybe you used words like hard, heavy or strong. There are rocks all around us, right? There are big ones and small ones. They are at the park, on the ground, everywhere!

  • Did you know that the house you are in was kind of built on a rock?

It’s called a FOUNDATION. When a house or an apartment is built, the very first thing the builders do is lay a foundation. It’s usually made of concrete, and concrete is actually made of stones or rocks!!!

In the story today from the book of Matthew, there are two houses.

  • What happened to the house built on sand?

  • What. happened to the house built on the rock?

The house on the sand fell down! The house built on the rock stayed put because it was built on a STRONG foundation.

Jesus told the parable of the two builders to teach us a lesson. He wants us to build our life on a STRONG and MIGHTY ROCK.

  • Do you know what ROCK he is talking about?

Psalm 18:1-2 says this:

I love you , oh Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield, and. the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.

  • So who is our ROCK?

God is our ROCK. He is a STRONG foundation. If we make him our number one and follow his commands in the Bible, even the hardest thing we face will not knock us down!

If we don’t listen to Jesus and what he taught us in the Bible, we will be knocked down easily like the house built on the sand.

Build your life on the ROCK by trusting Jesus and the way he tells us how to live!

Worship Together


Craft Ideas


Two Houses Activity

Make paper houses and glue them to craft sticks or straws. Get sand and rocks from outside and place them in a container as seen in the image.

Pour water into the container and see how the house on the sand moves and the one in the rocks does not.

If you can’t find sand, you can use an alternative flour or breadcrumbs to mimic the sand.


Coloring Pages

  • Two Builders Coloring Page 1 - Download HERE

  • Two Builders Coloring Page 2 - Download HERE

Additional Activity this Week

If you see a large rock on a walk, at the park or on the playground, have them stand on top of it or hide behind it and remind them of the story.

  • How does it feel up there? Do they feel safe?

  • What about behind it? Do they feel protected?

Remind them of how God is like a rock in these ways.

April Medina