A Parade for The King

Sunday, January 24th, 2021


  • Read Mark 11:1-10 with your child(ren).




Think about someone that you would be SO, SO, SO excited to see walk through the door right now.

  • Who is it?

  • How would you act if that special person did walk through the door right now? Would you scream? Cheer? Cry? Wave your arms around?

  • What would you do if a king walked in right now?

Maybe you would throw a parade like in the story from today.

  • Do you know what a parade is?

  • Have you ever been to a parade?

  • What kinds of things happen at a parade?

In today’s story, there is a parade thrown for a king, but not just any king…the King of Kings!

  • Who was it?

If you said, Jesus, you are correct. Jesus is the King of Kings! That means he is the ruler of all kings. He’s the greatest King! He is my King. He is your King!

  • What did the people do when Jesus came riding into Jerusalem?

  • What did the people say when they welcomed Jesus?

The people were so excited! The threw their cloaks on the ground so that the donkey could walk on them. Can you believe that? Their cloaks got all dirty, but they didn’t care!! They waved palm leaves and said, “Hosanna!”

Hosanna means savior or rescuer. The people were excited because the RESCUER was finally here. Jesus was here to rescue them from their sins. The greatest KING of all died on the cross for you and for me to rescue us from our sins. Isn’t that something to celebrate?

We can celebrate Jesus everyday. We don’t need to throw a parade. We can sing to him! we can talk to him by praying! We can tell others about him! These are all ways we can celebrate Jesus, the greatest King of all!

Worship Together




Craft Ideas


Palm Leaves

Template for leaf HERE

Decorate by cutting tissue paper and glueing on, using watercolor to paint or simply coloring them. A popsicle stick or pipe cleaner can serve as a branch.

Write out “Jesus is My King!” or “Hosanna!” on one side of the leaf.


Coloring Pages

  • Triumphal Entry Coloring Page - Download HERE

  • Hosanna Coloring Page - Download HERE

Additional Activities this Week

  • Talk about what your parade for Jesus would look like. Would you have balloons, a red carpet, confetti?

    • Take it further and act out the Triumphal Entry. Throw an actual parade for Jesus. Make a “donkey” with a broom, use blankets to throw on the ground and use the palm leaves from the craft to wave around.

  • Go through this lesson that we previously did titled, Jesus - The King of Everything

April Medina