Everything Belongs to God

Sunday, February 7th, 2021




Do you know what the word BELONG means?

Hmm, does it mean to stretch out your arms and legs as far you can so that you can BE LONG?! Nooooo, I’m just being silly. Belong means to be the property of. If you’ve ever seen something with someone’s name on it, it probably belongs to them, right?

  • Do you think anything belongs to you? What?

Maybe you said toys or the clothes you are wearing or your room. Guess what?! They actually don’t belong to you. They belong to someone else. Dun dun dun!!

Did you know that EVERYTHING in the world actually belongs to one person?

  • Do you know who it is? I’ll give you a hint. He created EVERYTHING!

If you said God, you are absolutely right! God CREATED everything and so EVERYTHING belongs to Him.

  • Did God create rocks?

  • What about animals?

  • What about the ocean?

  • What about YOU?!

God created all of those things! Everything and everyone belongs to God and He loves all of His creation including YOU!

Sooo if EVERYTHING BELONGS TO GOD, what do we have? Do we own anything? I’m confused!

Even though everything belongs to God, he decided to share it with us and he wants us to do something really important. It all started in the beginning in the Garden of Eden.

God created everything and then he gave Adam and Eve an extra special job. He told them to take care of the things that He created. Guess what? That’s our job too! We are supposed to take care of the things that belong to God.

  • Have you ever had to take care of something or someone? A dog? A toy? Your baby brother or sister?

  • How did you treat that thing or that person?

I don’t know about you, but it feels pretty cool when someone asks me to take care of something. And having God ask me to take care of something?! Whoa, that’s a big deal!

Did you know that people like you and me are God’s most special creation? That means we REALLY, REALLY, REALLY have to take care of each other by treating each other with love and with kindness.

EVERYTHING belongs to God. Let’s take care of EVERYTHING He gives us!

Worship Together




Craft Ideas

Paper Plate Globe

Paper Plate Globe

Decorate a paper plate like the earth using paint, markers, colors, etc.

On the top of the plate, write: “God created EVERYTHING!”

On the bottom of the plate, write: “EVERYTHING belongs to God!”


Coloring Pages

  • Everything Belongs to God Coloring Page - Download HERE

  • God Made the World Color by Number Page - Download HERE

Additional Activity this Week

  • We are called to be good stewards by taking care of what God has given to us that belongs to him. Introduce the word STEWARDSHIP to your child(ren) this week. Talk about what it looks like to be a good steward of:

    • Time

    • Money

    • Gifts/Talents

  • As you are outside this week, ask them to look around. What do they see that belongs to God? Talk through how we can take care of those things or people like God has asked us to.

April Medina