From Enemy to Friend

Sunday, April 18th, 2021


  • Read one or both of the following with your child(ren).

    • Acts 9:1-22

    • “A New Way to See” in The Jesus Storybook Bible. pages 334


By Saddleback Kids


In the beginning of the story from today, Saul wasn’t being very nice to people that loved Jesus, was he? He was trying to find them and put them in prison and even trying to hurt them!

  • Do you know what the word ENEMY means?

It means a person who is against something or someone. Saul was God’s enemy. He was hurting people that loved Jesus!

  • Have you ever met someone who was really, really mean or bad?

  • Were they even mean to you?

  • Can you imagine that person becoming your friend?

You probably can’t imagine someone who is your that mean becoming your friend. It might even seem impossible, BUT you know what?! God loves doing the impossible and that’s exactly what he did with Saul.

  • What happened when Saul saw the bright light and heard the loud voice?

Saul went blind! He couldn’t seen anything. God told him to go to the city of Damascus and to wait. For three days, Saul waited and didn’t drink or eat.

God told Ananias to go and visit Saul, but Ananias wasn’t sure about it at first. He knew that Saul was hurting God’s people, but he obeyed God and went anyway.

  • What if God asked you to help someone who was really, really mean? Would you do it?

  • What happened when Ananias visited Saul?

Ananias laid his hands on Saul and scales fell off of his eyes…ewwwww, but also…AWESOME!! Saul could see again!!

  • What did Saul do after God healed him from being blind?

Saul made it his number one job to go and tell everyone about Jesus. He wasn’t God’s enemy anymore. He was God’s helper and friend.

He started going by a nickname, Paul, and he did some pretty amazing things for Jesus. He even wrote some of the books in the Bible!!

And you know what the real lesson from this story is? No one and I mean NO ONE is too bad to be rescued by Jesus. God can change anyone’s heart from dirty to clean! God can change anyone from being an enemy to a friend!!

Worship Together



Paul goes from mean to blind to loving!

Template and instructions HERE


Coloring Page

  • Saul’s Conversion Coloring Page - Download HERE

April Medina