The Gift of The Holy Spirit

Sunday, April 25th, 2021


  • Read one or both of the following with your child(ren).

    • John 14:25-26

    • “God Sends Help” in The Jesus Storybook Bible. page 326


By Saddleback Kids


After Jesus died and rose from the dead, he went to be with God. Before he left, he told his friends that they would not be alone. Even though he was leaving, God would be sending them a gift.

  • What was the gift that God sent?

God sent the Holy Spirit as a gift. He sent the Holy Spirit to be a helper to anyone who believed in and was friends with Jesus.

You can’t see the Holy Spirit, but you can feel it. It’s kind of hard to understand so let’s talk about some things you can’t see, but can feel.

  • Can you see the wind? Can you feel it?

  • When you feel hot, can you see the heat?

  • What about love? Can you see love? Can you feel it?

Wind, heat and love are all invisible, but you can feel all of them. That’s just like God’s Holy Spirit living inside of your heart. You can’t see the Holy Spirit, but when you don’t know the right thing to do, the Holy Spirit can help you.

God knew it would be hard for us to make right choices and to obey his commandments, so he sent us a helper. Pretty cool to have an invisible helper, right?

And the really cool thing is that this special gift is shared. If your friend believes in Jesus, they have the Holy Spirit. And if that friend’s friend believes in Jesus, they have the Holy Spirit too! That’s pretty crazy, right?

Sharing the Holy Spirit makes us family with one another even though we aren’t related. It connects us and makes us feel closer to each other, because we all have the same HELPER who is helping us be more like Jesus!

Worship Together



Holy Spirit Puzzle

Download and print HERE

There are three printouts with differing amounts of puzzle pieces.

It is recommended to print on card stock or glue onto something thicker than paper.


Coloring Page

  • The Holy Spirit Comes Coloring Page - Download HERE

April Medina