Go and Make Disciples

Sunday, April 11th, 2021


  • Read one or both of the following with your child(ren).

    • Matthew 18:16-20

    • “Going Home” in The Jesus Storybook Bible. pages 318


By LifeKids


  • Do you know what a disciple is?

A disciple is a follower or a learner of someone and most of the time, that disciple is trying to be like that other person. Jesus had 12 disciples and they were trying to be more like him.

  • Did you know that if you believe that Jesus died for your sins and rose again, that YOU are a disciple?

That’s right! You are a disciple now and every day, you are supposed to try to be more like Jesus.

  • What are some things you can do to be more like Jesus?

You can love. You can forgive. You can serve others. There are so many ways to be like Jesus and they are all in the Bible. In today’s passage, Jesus told the disciples to do something to be more like him.

  • What did he tell them to do?

Jesus told the disciples to make other disciples. This is what is called The Great Commission. Wait, what? What does that even mean? How do I MAKE disciples?

Well if you watched the video, it means telling people about Jesus and then helping them to follow Jesus. It means helping them to obey his commands.

  • Did you know that you can help make disciples?

That’s right! Being a kid doesn’t mean you can’t be a helper for God. Every one of us has a special job to do and that means you too. The special job is to tell others about Jesus and then to help them to be more like him.

It’s actually the most important job you’ll ever have. Even if you get a real job when you grow up, this job will always be more important.

  • Do you know the easiest way to make disciples?

The easiest way is for you to try to be more like Jesus. That means spending time with him, talking to him and acting like him. If you do that, people will be asking you about Jesus!

They will want to know why you are the way you are and you can tell them that it’s because of Jesus! The best way to make disciples is to be like Jesus!

Worship Together


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Disciple Traffic Light

Template and instructions HERE


Coloring/Activity Pages

  • The Great Commission Coloring Page - Download HERE

  • Matthew 28:19 Coloring Page - Download HERE

Additional Activities This Week

  • Dinner Table Conversations

    • How was I more like Jesus today?

    • Did I tell anyone about Jesus today?

April Medina