
Sunday, May 2nd, 2021


Read Ephesians 1:15-16 and Psalm 100 with your child(ren).


By PursueGOD Kids


  • Have you ever been grumpy or had a really bad day?

  • What did you do to get un-grumpy?

I don’t know about you, but when I have a bad day, one of the things that helps me is watching something funny. But, you know what? There’s actually a secret weapon in the Bible for getting un-grumpy! Wanna know what it is?

I’ll give you clue. Paul, one of the apostles, used this secret weapon when he was in jail.

  • If you were in jail, you would probably be having a pretty bad day, huh?

  • Would you be grumpy?

Paul could have been very grumpy, but he wasn’t. He wrote many letters to his friends while he was in jail. One of the letters is called Ephesians and it’s a book in the Bible.

In Ephesians chapter 1, verse 16, Paul told his friends that he never stopped being thankful for them or praying for them.

  • When you are grumpy or having a bad day, do you think of being thankful for your friends and praying for them?

Paul used his secret weapon…thankfulness!! Thinking about things that we are thankful for and saying “thank you” to God for them will turn our frowns upside down. And you have the same secret weapon against grumpiness that Paul had!

  • Did you know that God has given us some pretty amazing things to be thankful for?

  • Can you name any of them?

God has given us many amazing things like yummy food to eat and good friends, but his greatest gift to us is Jesus. We can be thankful every day that he sent Jesus to die for our sins AND we have tell him that we are thankful.

  • Do you know how to say “thank you” to God? How?

Psalm 100 says to make a joyful noise and to sing to him. He loves that, but another easy way to say “thank you” to him is by talking to him. When you pray, thank him for all of the amazing things that he has given you.

And you know what is really cool? When you start praying to God and thanking him, it will be easier to remember the things that are good when things are hard. Use that secret weapon against grumpiness. SEE YA LATER GRUMPINESS. I’VE GOT TOO MUCH TO BE THANKFUL FOR!

Worship Together



Thankfulness Cross

Tear up and roll up pieces of tissue paper into balls. Glue them inside of the lines of the cross.

Write down things you are thankful for all around the cross.

Download and print template HERE


Additional Activities This Week

  • “I SPY” Something I’m Thankful For Game

    • Choose something you are thankful for and say, “I Spy with my THANKFUL eye something that is____!”

    • Talk about why you are thankful for that.

  • Dinner Chats

    • What are you thankful to God for today?

  • Gratitude Jar

    • Make a gratitude jar. Every time someone in the house is feeling grumpy or having a bad day, encourage them to write something down they are thankful for and put it in the jar. See how they feel after doing that.

April Medina