Jesus is Risen! - Easter

Sunday, April 4th, 2021


  • Read one or both of the following with your child(ren).

    • The account of Jesus’ death and resurrection in Mark 15 and 16.

    • “The Sun Stops Shining” and “God’s Wonderful Surprise” in The Jesus Storybook Bible. pages 302-317


By Crossroads Kids' Club


  • Have you ever watched a show or a movie where something bad happened? What happened?

Even though something bad happened, there was probably a happy ending. The superhero came and rescued everyone or the puppy was reunited with its family.

  • Was there a happy ending in the show or movie you watched?

Today, we are talking about a story from the Bible with a really, really, really happy ending. No, like seriously, it has a crazy happy ending!

It’s the story of Easter. We celebrate it because it is the most important event in ALLLLL of the Bible.

  • What happened on Easter Sunday?

Jesus came back to life after being dead! Say what?!? That’s right. Jesus died and then three days later, he came back to life! This is called the resurrection.

  • Do you know why Jesus had to die?

He died for you and for me and for everyone else! He died because he loves us sooo much. He died so that we could be forgiven of our sins.

It’s pretty much the greatest news EVER, but Jesus couldn’t just die. That wouldn’t make a very happy ending, would it? He had to come back to life.

  • Do you know why Jesus had to come back to life?

Jesus came back to life to show everyone that death couldn’t do anything to him. He told death and sadness to get outta here! And, if you believe in Jesus and that he rose from the dead, there’s something special for you….

…You get to tell death and sadness to get out of here too! That’s right. You don’t have to be sad or separated from God because of sin. When God looks at our hearts, they are super clean because of what Jesus did.

Now, isn’t that the greatest happy ending EVERRR?! Alright, so go celebrate! Jesus is risen! Happy, happy, happy, happy Easter!

Worship Together



The Tomb is Empty, He is Risen!

If you have a paper cup and a popsicle stick or any stick really, they can do this craft.

Find the printout for Jesus and the tomb HERE along with instructions.


Coloring/Activity Pages

  • Easter Coloring Sheet - Download HERE

  • Jesus Lives Color by Number - Download HERE

  • Easter Word Search - Download HERE

April Medina