God Created Marriage

Sunday, January 17th, 2021


  • Read Mark 10:6-9 with your child(ren).




  • Do you know what the word marriage means?

  • Did you know that God created marriage?

The first marriage was in the Garden of Eden. It was between the first man and the first woman.

  • Do you know who the first man and the first woman were?

If you said, Adam and Eve, BINGO, you got it right!! I don’t think they had a wedding…I mean, they would only have birds and fish and other animals to watch them get married, but hey, you never know! How funny would it be to have animals at your wedding?!!

God created marriage and because he made it, he gets to say what it is.

  • Have you ever made something? What was it?

Let’s say you made a house out of your legos and then someone came along and looked at it and said, “Nice robot.” or “Cool looking dog!”. What if you told them, “Thanks, but it’s a house.” and they said, “Nope, I know you made it, but I’ve decided it’s a robot.”

  • How would you feel?

Maybe you would feel sad. How could this person not see that it is a house?!! Hello, there’s a door right there and a chimney and dog in the window looking out! Maybe you would feel angry. You made it, soooo you should get to say what it is, right?! I think this is how God might feel when people say that marriage is something that it is not.

Marriage is what God says it is, not what other people say it is. God says that marriage is between one man and one woman and it is supposed to last their whole life. That means a husband and a wife are supposed to stick together even when things are hard, even when they are mad at each other or when one person makes the other person sad.

God did this on purpose. He wanted us to have a picture of how we should act with him. He is the ONLY God and we should love him and stick with him our whole life. AND, you know what? He promises to love us and to stick with us too! Isn’t it cool having a God that will NEVER leave you?

Worship Together




Craft Ideas

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Craft Rings

Have them make rings, a symbol in marriage. Rings can be made pretty easily with supplies at home. Here are a couple of ideas.

Button Rings - pipe cleaner and buttons

Origami Rings - best for older kiddos


Go Deeper this Week

  • Promises or vows are made at a wedding. If you are married, share your story with your child(ren). Share the promises you made to one another and to your family which includes them.

  • Keep an eye out for weddings/marriage in the shows they watch. Take some time to point out how it is portrayed correctly or incorrectly so that you get to introduce them to truth regarding marriage.

April Medina