He Came to Serve

Sunday, January 10th, 2021


  • Read one of the following with your child(ren).

    • John 13:1-17

    • “The Servant King” on page 286 of The Jesus Storybook Bible




Do you know how Jesus and the disciples got from one place to another?

If you said, “They walked!”, you are right. They didn’t have cars or scooters. They walked EVERYWHERE and they wore sandals.

  • What happens when you wear sandals in the dirt?

  • Do your feet get dirty? How do they smell?

  • What if you walked really, really, really far in sandals, like all the way to your school or the grocery store? How would they smell?

I bet the disciples feet were really, really, REALLY stinky!! Like, no one has taken out the trash in days STINKY! Like, whoops, I forgot to flush the toilet STINKY! Well, maybe not that stinky, but hey, they could have stepped in sheep poop!! Ahhhh, GROSSS!!!

  • What did Jesus do after the dinner with his disciples?

Jesus washed their stinky, sheep poop feet!!!! Ewwww! They couldn’t believe it, but especially Peter. He didn’t think Jesus should be washing feet, but Jesus was trying to teach the disciples a lesson.

  • What do you think Jesus was trying to teach them?

Washing feet was meant for the lowest of servants, but Jesus, the KING OF EVERYTHING was doing this. Jesus came to this world to serve and he did that to show us that we need to serve each other too. That means you have to think of your mom or your dad or your friends or your neighbors before you think of you.

Many people think to be great means you have to have a lot of money, or a lot of things or servants of your own, but that is not how it is in God’s kingdom. To be great in God’s eyes, we have serve each other like Jesus served!

Worship Together




Craft Ideas

Screen Shot 2021-01-09 at 8.04.16 PM.png

Template HERE

Print and color the image

Fill a small ziploc baggie with a drop of soap and water and glue to picture. If you have blue food coloring handy, add that in as well!


Coloring/Activity Pages

  • Jesus Washed Disciples’ Feet Coloring Page - Download HERE

  • Jesus Washed Disciples’ Feet Word Search - Download HERE

  • W is for Wash Coloring Sheet for Young Toddlers - Download HERE

Additional Activities this Week

  • Wash each other’s feet!

  • This can be imaginary play or literal. Make it fun if it’s literal by getting feet really stinky and dirty!

  • At dinner time, say how someone in your family served you that day or week and thank them.

  • Think of people you know who serve people without getting thanked much. Write them a note or call them to thank them.

April Medina