Growing in Faith
Sunday, May 31st, 2020
Read through 2 Peter 1:5-8 with your child(ren).
Watch the video below created by PursueGOD Kids!
In the video, there were three roots mentioned: faith, family and friends. Although the last two are super important, we are going to focus on FAITH and the 7 qualities in 2 Peter that can make our faith in Jesus stronger.
Explaining all 7 qualities your child(ren) could take some time so we encourage you to focus on one per day this week or even spread these out over the course of a couple of weeks.
What is faith? Take some time to discuss this as a family.
The 7 qualities in 2 Peter 1:5-8. THIS is a great resource to use as you go through each quality with them.
virtue or goodness
steadfastness or perseverance
brotherly affection
Metaphors that may be helpful to help them understand how the qualities make faith stronger.
What makes a plant grow? Water? Good soil? Not too hot? Not too cold? Our faith is like a plant and the 7 qualities are like water, good soil, etc that help a plant grow healthy and strong.
What makes someone grow strong? Exercising? Sleeping? Eating well? Our faith is like this and the 7 qualities are like eating good food (not junk), getting enough sleep, exercising, etc. that help us grow strong.
The words/concepts below were touched on in the video and text that your child(ren) heard but may not fully understand. We encourage you to discuss them.
Any of the 7 qualities in the passage
Relationship with God
Craft Ideas
Grow in Faith Flower
Download template and instructions HERE
Grow in Faith Superhero
Download template and instructions HERE
Coloring Sheet
2 Peter Coloring Sheet- Download here
Family Activity
Start growing some plants together from seeds or seedlings or even use preexisting plants you have. Help them plant them and mark each pot/plant with one of the qualities listed out in 2 Peter 1:5-8. Every time you water or check on each plant, talk about that quality and ask them how they are growing in that quality and becoming more like Jesus. Share how you are growing too.
If 7 plants is too much, just plant less and mark the pots with 2-3 qualities. As their plants grow, teach them how their faith can grow too!