The Parable of the Sower

Sunday, June 7th, 2020


Read through Mark 4:1-20 with your child(ren).


Watch the video below created by Saddleback Kids!


  • What is a parable?

    • A made up story to help people understand something better

  • What are some other parables in the Bible?

    • Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10)

    • Parable of the Lost Sheep (Luke 15)

    • Parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15)

  • In the parable, was the problem the seed that the sower/farmer was planting? Was it the soil/where it was being planted?

  • What does Jesus say the seed is like in the parable?

    • (v.14) the word, God’s Word, the Gospel, the good news of Jesus

  • In the video what happened to the seed that fell on:

    • The path?

    • The rocks?

    • In the thorns?

    • The good soil?

  • Each type of soil or place where the seed landed is like our hearts. When God’s word reaches our hearts:

    • It can be like the seed that fell on the path. Have you ever been at church and forgot the lesson that your teachers taught you about God? Why?

      This is what happens when Satan steals away God’s word like the birds stole the seeds. The good news of Jesus never gets to our hearts. We can’t let him do that!

    • It can be like the seed that fell on the rocks. Have you ever been really excited about something that God did and wanted to share it, but then got made fun of for loving Him or believing in Him? Did it make you scared to tell anyone about Him again?

      This is what happened in the story when the plants grew fast, but then the sun beat down on them. People making fun of us for what we believe in can be like this. It can hurt our hearts and make us scared to share God’s love. We can’t be scared though. Everyone should hear about God’s love for them!

    • It can be like the seed that fell in the thorns. Everything in this world; TV shows, fun toys, clothes, ice cream, phones can all make you forget about spending time with God. They are all really great and God wants us to enjoy these things, but God wants us to want Him more than anything else in this world! More than candy, more than video games…

      This is what happened to the seed in the story when the plants couldn’t grow because the thorns choked them. We don’t want to stop growing in our faith! If we keep God first, we will grow and we will still get to enjoy all of those other things too!

    • It can be like the seed that fell on the good soil. This is a heart that loves God, that spends time with Him, that reads the Bible, that prays, that serves people and that accepts that Jesus died for us to forgive our sins.

The words/concepts below were touched on in the video and text that your child(ren) heard but may not fully understand. We encourage you to discuss them.

  • Sower

  • Shallow (soil)

  • Fertile (soil)

Craft Ideas

Parable of the Sower Bag

Parable of the Sower Bag

Download template and instructions HERE

Don’t have a printer? Have your child(ren) draw the items or go on a family walk and find some of the items…not the bird obviously!


Activity/Coloring Sheets

April Medina