The Rich Young Ruler

Sunday, January 3rd, 2021


  • Read Mark 10:17-31 with your child(ren).



In today’s story, what did the rich young ruler ask Jesus?

Jesus starts listing some the 10 commandments to the man.

  • Do you know what these are? List some of them.

  • Did the ruler follow these commandments?

The ruler told Jesus that he followed these commandments. He was nice to his parents. He didn’t steal. He was a pretty good guy, but Jesus told him he had to do something else.

  • What did Jesus tell the ruler he had to do?

Jesus told the rich young ruler to sell all of his stuff and the ruler had ALOT of stuff…like ALOT. He probably had 10 iPads, 20 TVs, more snacks than he could eat, a pool, and a really, really big house! The man was sad because he didn’t want to give away his things. He loved them too much.

  • What are some of your favorite things? Toys? Your iPad?

  • How would you feel if someone asked you to give it all away?

Maybe you felt sad like the rich young ruler or that it would be really hard. Jesus wanted the rich young ruler to love him more than his stuff.

God probably won’t ask you to give up all of your things, but he wants us to love him MORE than our stuff. He wants to be our favorite thing. He wants us to love him more than our iPad, more than our favorite tv show, more than our scooter or bike, more than ANYTHING we have because HE LOVES US MORE THAN ANYTHING!

God knows it will be hard to love him the most, so he told us how to do it. In Mark 10, verses 23-26, Jesus tells the disciples how hard it will be and then the disciples basically say, “Well, Jesus, how is anyone going to be able to make you number 1? It seems impossible!”

In verse 27, he tells them how.

  • Read verse 27.

  • How is it possible?

God knows that we get to have some pretty cool stuff and he wants to help us love him more than that stuff. We can’t do it on our own because it would be impossible, but with God, all things are possible. We just have to ask him for his help!

Worship Together


Craft Ideas

Screen Shot 2020-12-30 at 12.21.00 PM.png

God is #1 Fan Finger

Template HERE and instructions HERE


Coloring/Activity Pages

  • The Rich Young Ruler Coloring Page - Download HERE

  • All Things are Possible with God Coloring Page - Download HERE

  • The Rich Young Man Word Search - Download HERE

Additional Activities this Week

  • At dinner time, go around the table and share:

    • How did I make God #1 in my life today?

    • Did I make something else #1 today?

    • What is one thing about God that makes him #1?

April Medina