Who Do You Say That I Am?
Sunday, November 1st, 2020
Read Mark 8:27-29 with your child(ren).
In this passage, Jesus is with his disciples.
Who are the disciples?
Are they friends with Jesus?
If the disciples are friends with Jesus, why on earth would he ask them who they thought he was? Didn’t they know him?! Let’s take a second to answer some questions before we answer that question.
Who are you?
What would your friends or family say if someone asked them who you are?
Are you a brother or sister? Are you a daughter or son? Are you a really, really good skateboarder? Are you an animal? JUST KIDDING!
There’s a pretty good chance that you are many things. You may be a sister, a daughter, a pizza maker, a Pokemon player and so many other things.
This is exactly how Jesus is too. In the Bible, He has many names.
Who do you think Jesus is?
Go through some of the verses below together. How does each verse describe Jesus?
John 3:16
Mark 10:35
Matthew 8:6-7, Matthew 12:15
John 1:29
2 Peter 3:18
Isaiah 40:28
Psalm 23:1
Matthew 27:11
Jesus is The Son of God, our best friend, Teacher, Healer, the Lamb of God, our Savior or rescuer, Creator of the world, our Shepherd, the King of everything AND SO MUCH MORE!
So, why did Jesus ask his friends who He was to them? Well, maybe one of your friends says you are nice and another one says you are fun. You are probably both things, but each friend thinks something different.
We can be reminded of who Jesus is at different times. Maybe one night you go to bed and you are scared, but then you ask Jesus to be with you. What is he to you at that moment? He’s your COMFORTER right or maybe your FRIEND?
What about when your family is going through a hard time and you pray for Jesus to help you and then he provides in an amazing way? He’s your PROVIDER right?
Jesus is sooooo many things and He wants YOU to learn all about who he is.
Worship Together
Craft Idea
Coloring Sheets
Jesus is My Good Shepherd - Download HERE
Jesus is My Rescuer - Download HERE
Jesus is My King - Download HERE
Jesus is The Light of the World - Download HERE
Additional Activities/Resources
Use the craft spinner to play a guessing game. Have your child choose one of the names and then describe clues to you without saying the name. You can guess what name of Jesus it is. Use names that aren’t on the spinner too.
Wanna go deeper on the names of God with them? Check out this kids’ devotional
This coloring book about the names of Jesus is technically for adults, but could be fun for older kids.