I Was Blind, But Now I See

Sunday, October 25th, 2020


Read Matthew 8:22-26 with your child(ren).




Have you ever lost a toy and gone looking for it?

  • Have you ever looked and looked and looked for that toy and just couldn’t seem to find it?

  • Was it ever right in front of you and you just couldn’t SEE it?

This happens to me all of the time, but I’m not blind. I can SEE and you can too, but sometimes I just can’t see what’s in front of me! SEEING also means something else.

  • Have you ever heard the saying, “Oh, I see.”?

  • What does that mean?

Sometimes SEEING means understanding. In the story of the blind man being healed, two things were happening.

  1. The man was ACTUALLY healed of blindness. Jesus did a miracle!

  2. The Pharisees couldn’t SEE who Jesus really was even though they saw Him do all sorts of amazing miracles like the healing of the blind man. They were spiritually blind to who Jesus was.

  • Can you imagine seeing Jesus spitting on someone’s eyes and then that person was able to see again?

  • Wouldn’t you believe that He was really amazing?! Maybe even the Son of God?

The Pharisees were looking right at Jesus and couldn’t really SEE Him. They saw, but didn’t believe. This happens everyday with people all around us.

They may hear about Jesus. Maybe you’ve even told them how much you love Jesus, but they just don’t get it. They are blind to His love, but just like Jesus helped the blind man see, He can help people who don’t know Him SEE Him.

Every day, we can try our hardest to understand more about Jesus. We can pray for him to open our eyes to see Him more clearly. We can pray that those around us have their eyes opened to SEE Him too!

Worship Together




Craft Ideas

Untitled presentation.png

Blind No More

  • Decorate a paper plate with a face.

  • Cut out square flaps for eyes.

  • Tape eyes on back of plate under flaps or keep empty so that you can look through with your own eyes.


Coloring Sheet

  • Jesus Heals Blind Man at Bethsaida Coloring Page - Download HERE

Additional Activities this Week

  • Revisit crafts and games from THIS LESSON on blind Bartimaeus.

April Medina