Second Chances

Sunday, March 28th, 2021


  • Read Mark 14:26-31 and Mark 14:66-72 with your child(ren).


By Crossroads Kids' Club


  • Do you know what the word mistake means?

  • Have you ever made a mistake or messed up?

  • What happened?

Everyone messes up. No one is perfect. In fact, there are a lot of stories in the bible about people messing up or making mistakes.

  • Who made the mistake in the story today?

  • How did Peter mess up?

  • How many times did Peter pretend that Jesus wasn’t his friend?

  • How would you feel if someone pretended not to be your friend or to know you?

Jesus told Peter that he would pretend not to know him THREE times before the rooster crowed TWICE. Peter couldn’t believe it. He pretty much told Jesus, “Yeah, right, Jesus! I’m like obsessed with you. You’re the best and I will never do that!”

BUT, Jesus knew that Peter would mess up and you know what?! He loved him anyway. Isn’t that amazing?!

ANDDD, there’s even better news. Soon after that happened, Jesus died on the cross and came back to life three days later so that ALL OF OUR MESS UPS would be forgiven! This meant Peter’s mess up too. He was given a SECOND CHANCE.

  • Do you know what it means to have a second chance?

    * Think about when you had a turn shooting a basketball into or a hoop or hitting a ball and you missed. Maybe you asked to have another chance?

God is a God of second chances. That’s the whole reason he sent Jesus to die for our sins. He wanted to give us a second chance to be with Him.

God knows that we will mess up just like Jesus knew Peter would mess up, but HE LOVES US ANYWAY and he forgives us of our sin if we ask him to! Hooray for second chances!!

Worship Together



Template for beak and wattles HERE

  • Cut a paper plate in half. Use one half for the body and the other half for the tail.

  • Cut out and glue on beak, waddles and verse


Coloring/Activity Pages

  • Peter Denies Jesus Coloring Page - Download HERE

  • Peter & the Rooster Color by Number Page - Download HERE

April Medina