Jesus - The King of Everything

Sunday, September 20th, 2020


Last week, we talked about how the wind and the waves obeyed Jesus when he told them to be still.

  • Do you know that ALL OF CREATION is meant to listen to and obey Jesus? 

  • Name some things that God created.

Because God created everything, like the animals, the mountains, the sea, YOU AND ME, he has authority over everything and so does Jesus. But wait, what does the word authority mean? That’s not a word, we use everyday, right?! 

  • What is a king or a queen?

  • What does a king or a queen do?

A king or a queen rules over the kingdom. They give the people rules and they obey them. The kingdom listens to their ruler. This is what it means to have authority.

  • Do you know that Jesus is our king?

Watch the video below to learn about what Jesus is king of.


Watch this video created by Kids on the Move.


  • What is Jesus King of? 

  • Where are his rules or commands that we should follow? *Hint. Is there a book that he gave us where we can read them?

  • What are some of those rules or commands?

  • Do you know that even evil things know that Jesus is in authority over them?

In many fairytales or even movies, there is a kingdom. Queen Elsa and Queen Anna live in a kingdom, right? And sometimes there are evil things or bad people in the kingdom.

  • Name some of your favorite kings, queens, princes or princesses from stories or movies. 

  • Name some bad or evil people from theses stories or movies.

  • At the end of the stories or movies, who wins? Good or evil?

There is good and evil in those movies or books and that is the same in our world, but Jesus ALWAYS wins over evil.

Jesus has authority over ALL CREATION, even evil things. Nothing can beat Jesus. He is the most powerful of all!

He even had authority over death when he came back to life after his own death! Not even death could have the power over Him! Whoaaa! Isn’t that amazing!?

Because Jesus is our King, it also means that we should listen to him and obey his commands.

Worship Together


Craft Ideas

Jesus is King Crowns: Make sure to write “Jesus is King” somewhere on the crown.


Paper Crown

Multiple templates HERE


Paper Plate Crown

Instructions HERE


Coloring Sheets

  • Jesus, Your are My King Coloring Page - Download HERE

  • K is for King Coloring Page - Download HERE

Additional Activities this Week

  • Read through the story of creation as a reminder that God is the creator of everything and that all of creation is meant to listen and obey Jesus. You can read through Genesis chapters 1 and 2 or “The beginning: a perfect home” in the Jesus Storybook Bible.

  • Go through the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20 as a reminder of the commands that we’ve been given to follow as people who are a part of God’s kingdom.

  • If you feel equipped and that your children are ready, go through the story of the man with the unclean spirits in Mark 5:1-20. Jesus has authority over EVERYTHING, even evil spirits! Emphasize that the unclean spirits knew who Jesus was and that they were scared of him. There is no evil to fear since Jesus is on our side!

April Medina