Jesus Heals Jairus' Daughter

Sunday, September 27th, 2020


Read Mark 5:21-43 with your child(ren).


Watch this video created by the Jesus Storybook Bible.


*This week, the focus in on the healing of the little girl, but we did a whole lesson in March about the healing of the woman. You can find it HERE if you would like to go over that lesson as well.

In our last lesson, Jesus healed a man with evil spirits. In the story today, he heals a little girl by bringing her back to life!

  • Have you ever been so sick you couldn’t get out of bed for a whole day? Can you imagine what it would be like for a whole month…30 whole days?!

  • How would you feel if you couldn’t get out of bed to play with your family? Or have dinner with them? Or go outside with friends?

  • What if it was your brother or sister or mom or dad who couldn’t get out of bed? How would that make you feel?

Jairus and the little girl’s family were probably very, very, VERY sad. In the story, Jairus has a great idea while sitting with his daughter.

  • Who did he go to for help?

  • Why do you think he went to Jesus?

Jairus had faith. He knew that Jesus had the power to heal and he was the only one who could help his daughter.

On the way to Jairus’ house, Jesus gets stopped to heal someone else. While he is stopped, someone from Jairus’ house comes to tell them that the little girl is dead.

  • How do you think Jairus felt?

  • What did Jesus say when he heard this news?

Jesus told them, “do not fear, only believe”. He wanted them to believe like the woman believed and like Jairus believed.

Of course, when Jesus arrives, he brings the little girl back to life and she is healed.

  • Do you believe that God can do anything?

  • When you need something, do you ask him for help?

  • Do you believe that he will answer your prayers?

Jesus is our healer. He died on the cross to heal us from our icky sin!

God cares about what is important to us. He wants us to ask for things.

Sometimes when we pray and ask God for help, he doesn’t answer right away. We may think like the people in story that it’s too late and why bother, but God knows what is best for us. We have to trust him.

Nothing is impossible for God. We just have to believe.

Worship Together


Craft Ideas


Jairus’ Daughter Healed

Template HERE

Screen Shot 2020-09-26 at 12.22.27 PM.png

Shape Match Healing Craft

*good for toddlers

Template HERE


Coloring Sheets

  • Jesus Heals Jairus’ Daughter Coloring Page - Download HERE

  • Jairus’ Daughter Word Search - Download HERE

Additional Activities this Week

  • Read through the story in the Jesus Storybook Bible.

  • Act out the story together.

April Medina