Jesus Walks on Water

Sunday, April 19th, 2020


Read through Matthew 14:22-33 with your child(ren).


Watch this video created by Saddleback Kids!


  • The beginning of this story starts in a storm. If your child(ren) grew up in Southern California, there’s a good chance they have never experienced a storm. Take some time to talk about what a storm is and maybe even show some videos of storms with lots of rain, lightning and thunder. Ask them if they would be scared if they were in the middle of storm in a boat.

  • While in the storm, Jesus appears walking on the water and the disciples think he is a ghost. Ask them how they would feel if they saw someone walking on water.

  • Jesus tells the disciples to “Take heart; it is I. Do not be afraid.” (v.27). Take some time to explain courage and what that means. Ask them if they’ve ever had to be brave and encourage them to share. Share a story of your own if you have one.

  • Peter started walking on the water towards Jesus, but then he looked around and got scared and started to sink. He took his eyes off of Jesus. When we are afraid, we can look to Jesus! We just have to keep our eyes on Him!

The words/concepts below were touched on in the video and text that your child(ren) heard but may not fully understand. We encourage you to discuss them.

  • Disciple

  • Terrified

  • Fear

  • Courage

  • Faith

  • Doubt

  • Son of God

Questions (Ages 3-11)

  • How did the disciples feel when they first saw Jesus?

  • Who walked on the water with Jesus?

  • Have you ever been scared? What did you do so you wouldn’t be scared anymore?

  • What was your favorite part of the story?


Craft Ideas

Jesus Walks on WaterFull craft including instructions HERE

Jesus Walks on Water

Full craft including instructions HERE

Jesus and Peter Walk on WaterFull craft including instructions HERE

Jesus and Peter Walk on Water

Full craft including instructions HERE


Coloring & Activity Sheets


  • Eyes on Jesus

    Supplies suggested: wooden spoon, plastic egg or ball and this IMAGE. Tape up the image of Jesus somewhere in the house. Make sure it is at eye level for your child/children and there is enough room for a walkway 10 to 15 feet away from it. Now, they have to balance the egg or ball on the wooden spoon and walk towards Jesus, but they have to keep their eyes on Jesus the entire time. If they look away, they have to start over.

  • Is this Object like Jesus or like Peter?

    Fill a bucket with water or you can just do this during bath time. Have them gather as many objects from around the house to test this theory. Hold up an object and have them guess if the item will stay on top of the water like Jesus or if it will sink like Peter.

April Medina