Let Your Light Shine

Sunday, June 14th, 2020


Read through Matthew 5:14-16 and Mark 4:21-23 with your child(ren).


Watch the video below created by Douglas Talks!



  • Can you find a lamp in your house? Where is it? Is it under the bed? Under a basket? Why not?

    • At this point, maybe turn off any other lights except for the lamp and cover it with something to show them that when it is covered up, the light is hard to see.

    • Our light is the love of Jesus and we want everyone else to see this so we shouldn’t hide it!

  • In the video, Douglas goes to school and decides to use his microphone to shout loudly about Jesus. HIs dad tells him that he doesn’t need to do that. He can have the light of Jesus shine through him by doing some other things. What can we do to let our light shine?

    • Living like Jesus wants us to live

    • Treating people the way that Jesus wants us to

    • Sharing the hope of Jesus

    • Be a friend to people

  • Is it hard sometimes to let your light shine/tell people about Jesus? Why?

The words/concepts below were touched on in the video and text that your child(ren) heard but may not fully understand. We encourage you to discuss them.

  • Glorify

  • Father in Heaven

  • Humble

Craft Ideas

Light of the World Paper Lantern
Screen Shot 2020-06-13 at 11.35.27 AM.png

Easy tutorial HERE


Activity/Coloring Sheets


  • Flashlight Scavenger Hunt

    Hide some special treats/items around the house. Give your child(ren) a flashlight and turn off all the lights. Have them search for the items with their flashlights. When they have found the items, discuss how us living like Jesus wants us to is like a light pointing others to good things, like the best thing which is Jesus!

April Medina