What is Love?

Sunday, June 21st, 2020


Read through 1 Corinthians 13:1-7 with your child(ren).


Watch the videos below created by PursueGOD Kids and Douglas Talks!




  • What do you love? Give each family member time to answer.

  • What does 1 Corinthians 13 say that love is?

    • Have them look through the passage to point things out. If they can’t read, read it for them slow and tell them to raise their hand when they hear a word that explains what love is. They can then tell you what word they heard.

  • What does it say that love is not? *Do the same as above

  • Take some time to go through each of the concepts below:

    • Love is patient and kind

    • It does not envy or boast

    • It is not arrogant or rude

    • It doesn’t insist on it’s own way

    • It is not irritable or resentful

    • It doesn’t remember mistakes

    • It rejoices in the truth

    • It bears, believes, hopes and endures all things

  • The passage says that if we do things without love, it is like a clanging gong or a noisy cymbal. What does that mean?

    • If you have a drum or loud instrument, do an object lesson with them. Tell them to start telling you about Jesus or even a story about Jesus. When they start, bang on the drum or make a lot of noise with the instrument. Explain that this is what it is like when we do anything but love is missing. They were trying to tell you something really great about Jesus but all you heard was noise. We have to be careful to do and say things with love or it will not be felt or heard.

  • What should we do when we don’t know how to love?

    • Look to Jesus! He loves perfectly and we can learn from Him!

Craft Ideas


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Activity/Coloring Sheets

April Medina