Love Your Neighbor

Sunday, July 12th, 2020


Read Mark 12:28-33 and Leviticus 19:9-18 with your child(ren).


Watch the videos below created by Douglas Talks! and Saddleback Kids!


  • Who is my neighbor?

    • Give them time to respond and explain that a neighbor is anyone in need. It doesn’t just mean the neighbor that lives next door to us or on our street. It is anyone that needs help.

  • Read the Parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10 together. A lawyer asks Jesus, “Who is my neighbor?” and Jesus responds by telling the parable.

    • What did the priest and the Levite do when they saw the man on the side of the road?

    • What did the Samaritan do?

    • Have you ever been like the priest or the Levite when you saw someone in need? Maybe you said to yourself, “I hope someone helps that person” like Douglas mentioned in his talk.

  • One of the ways that we can love our neighbor is by making their problems OUR problems. The Samaritan probably had plenty of problems of his own, but he made the man’s problem his problem. Luke 10:33 says that the Samaritan saw the man and had compassion.

    • Take some time to explain what compassion means and come up with examples together. Maybe you have even experienced compassion. Share this.

  • This week as a family, think of someone in need and come up with a plan to meet that need together. Put loving your neighbor into action!

Craft Ideas


Good Samaritan Bag

Download template HERE

Screen Shot 2020-07-11 at 10.51.58 AM.png

Helping Hands Book

  • Trace one of your hands 3 or 4 times on construction paper and cut each hand out.

  • Then tie or staple the cut out hands together to create a book.

  • On each page, write the name of someone you can help and how you can help them.


Coloring/Activity Sheets

  • Good Samaritan Coloring Sheet - Download here

  • Love Your Neighbor Activity Sheet - Download here

    • Draw a picture of you loving your neighbor in the blank box

April Medina