Made in God's Image

Sunday, July 5th, 2020


Read Genesis 1:26-27 and Psalm 139:13-16 with your child(ren).


Watch the video below created by Crossroads Kids’ Club!


  • What does image or reflection mean?

    • If you have a mirror nearby, take a look into it. What you see is your reflection. This is an image of you.

  • What characteristics or features do you have that are like your family members? Do your eyes look like your mom’s eyes? What about your hair? Are you kind like your Dad?

    • Take time to list features and characteristics that you share.

  • All people share characteristics with God kind of like you share characteristics with your family, because He made us in His image. We don’t share all of them…we can’t create animals out of thin air!…, but we do share some. So, what is God like? Is He kind? Loving? What else?

    • Take time to list out thing you know about God and maybe even write them down.

  • Why do you think we were made in God’s image?

  • How should we treat everyone around us knowing that God made them in His image?

  • How did you reflect who God is through your actions this week? Were you kind to your brother or sister? How?

    • Share examples together as a family.

Craft Ideas


Download template HERE


Made in His Image Mirror


  • Cardboard or cardstock

  • Popsicle stick or something similar

  • Foil

  • Crayons, markers, jewels, stickers, etc. for decorating

They can write, “I am made in God’s image” on the mirror somewhere so that when they look into it, they are reminded of this.


Coloring Sheet

April Medina