The Bible - One Big Story!

Sunday, June 28th, 2020


Read through 2 Timothy 3:16-17 with your child(ren).


Watch the video below created by The Gospel Project!


  • Do you know what an investigator or a detective is?

    • An investigator is someone who researches or studies something to learn the most they can about it.

  • Have you ever studied something because you wanted to learn everything you could about it? What was it? How did you learn more about it?

  • Do you know that we are supposed to be Bible investigators or detectives? Let’s try to investigate one of the stories from the Bible. Name a story and tell your family how that story points to Jesus?

    • Take time on this one to explore what the story tells us about Jesus and God. Does he show his kindness in the story? His love, His mercy, His power?

  • A lot of times, we read the Bible hoping it will tell us something about us, but we have to take a closer look. The Bible tells us about God and that is what we should be looking for. This week, read through some stories from the Bible with your family and ask these questions:

    • What does this story tell me about God?

    • Are there any promises in this story? What about instructions?

    • How does this story remind me of Jesus?

    • Have I ever been like one of the people in the story? Who? How?

    • After hearing or reading this story, do I need to ask God for forgiveness for anything? If yes, what?

    • Do I have any more questions about the story?

Craft Ideas

magnifying glass craft.jpg

Download template and instructions HERE


Coloring Sheets

Family Time/Activities

  • Hide clues around the house that pertain to a story in the Bible. For example, maybe you are planning to go over the story of David and Goliath. Hide some stones, a picture of a slingshot and a picture of some sheep or even a stuffed animal lamb. Have your child(ren) use their magnifying glass to search for the clues. When they find them all, they have to guess what the story is.

  • Encourage the use of the magnifying glass anytime you want them to look for Jesus in a situation. Maybe that means taking it to the park, to the grocery store or even in a moment of discipline. This will help them create a habit of looking for Jesus in the everyday moments.

April Medina