New Creations in Christ
Sunday, August 23rd, 2020
Read 2 Corinthians 5:17 and Romans 12:2 with your child(ren).
Watch this video created by PursueGOD Kids.
Have you ever heard anyone say that when you believe in Jesus and become a Christian, you are born again?
What on earth does that mean? How can you be born twice??? We can’t go back to being babies, right?!
Read 2 Corinthians 5:17 again together as a family.
Of course you can’t be born twice, BUT you can become a new creation like it says in 2 Corinthians 5:17. Have you ever seen a caterpillar turn into a butterfly or at least heard of it?
What happens?
Does the caterpillar get born AGAIN? No, right?! It just turns into something new.
In 2 Corinthians 5:17, it says the OLD is gone and the NEW is here.
What does this mean?
Think about the caterpillar and the butterfly. Does the butterfly look like the caterpillar anymore?
When we put our hope in Jesus, we become new creations. When God looks at us, he doesn’t see sinful people anymore because Jesus died for our sins. When he looks at you, he sees a beautiful new creation forgiven of sin. He sees a magnificent butterfly!!
So, when we put our hope in Jesus, we become new creations. GREAT! Now what?
Read Romans 12:2. It says, “do not be conformed this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind…” What does that mean??
Think about the caterpillar and the butterfly again. Does the butterfly go back to acting like a caterpillar? What if the butterfly started crawling on the ground like a caterpillar again? That would be crazy, RIGHT??
God has made a way for us to be new creations, BUT we have to continue to act like those new creations. We can’t go back to our OLD ways of sinning. We have to be TRANSFORMED like the butterfly. When people meet us or spend time with us, they should see how we are like Jesus and not like the people who don’t love Jesus.
We can do this by thinking about Jesus, singing praise to him, reading God’s word (the Bible) and praying. These are just a few things. Think about some other ways you can be transformed to be more like Jesus this week!
Worship Together
Watch one or watch them both! They're gonna get stuck in your head!
Craft Ideas