The Spiritual Family

Sunday, August 16th, 2020


Read Ephesians 2:18-22 with your child(ren).


Watch this video created by PursueGOD Kids.


  • What are some things that you and your family all love?

  • What are some things that only one of you likes and the others do not?

  • So, do you ALWAYS agree with the people in your family? I mean, does EVERYONE in your family like peas?? Or want to watch the same shows?

  • What happens when you don’t agree? Do you fight? What happens after you fight?

    • *Parents, remind child(ren) of forgiveness, reconciliation and love

  • How are you supposed to treat the people in your family?

  • Did you know that the church, the people who believe in Jesus are like a family?

    • The church is the family of God and we are ALL brothers and sisters if we believe in Jesus!

    • Soo, you may have brothers or sisters who live with you, BUT you actually have many, many more brothers and sisters.

  • Take some time to name some friends who know Jesus. These are your other family members!

We are ALL a part of a spiritual family, God’s family. We have many brothers and sisters. We look different. We think different. We live all over the world. BUT, at the end of the day, we all love Jesus and should love one another, serve one another and forgive one another.

Activity to drive it home

Give child(ren) a balloon to blow up, but make sure they don’t tie it. If your kiddo is too young, do this for them. Each person in your family should have a balloon. Count to three and let them go. Wherever the deflated balloon lands is where each person will go and stand. Continue to do this as long as it remains entertaining.

At the final balloon blowing time, tell child(ren) to tie their balloon and everyone will let their balloon fly up into the air at the same time.

Tell child(ren) that the balloons represent everyone in the family of God. Sometimes the balloons go different ways and aren’t always together in the same place. Sometimes they are different colors so they don’t look the same, but the balloons are the same in one way….they are still balloons!

If we believe in Jesus, we are in the family of God. People in the family of God don’t always look the same, don’t live in the same house or even in the same country and sometimes don’t think the same way, but we are still in the family of God and should love one another like family!

Worship Together

Watch one or watch them all!


Craft Idea


Paper People Chain

Create one chain or many of them and connect them. Write the names of people who are in your spiritual family. Write the names of friends, family members and anyone else who loves Jesus.

Tutorial video HERE


Coloring Sheet

  • We are Spiritual Family Coloring Sheet - Download HERE

April Medina