The New Heaven and the New Earth
Sunday, August 30th, 2020
Read Revelation 21:1-7 with your child(ren).
Watch this video created by Crossroad Kids’ Club.
God has promised that He is going to make all things new and that means this world where we live. It doesn’t mean He is going to replace this world. He is going to recreate it by fixing it or by putting it back together. So what does that mean?
Read Revelation 21:4 together. What are the “no mores” in the verse?
What would it be like in a place with no more crying or sadness?
Think about the last time you got hurt. Did you stub your toe? Fall off your bike? How did it feel?
What would it be like in a place where you didn’t feel any pain?
What if you NEVER got sick??
Pain, sadness and death are all a part of our BROKEN world, but God is going to put it back together again.
Do you have legos, a puzzle or a toy that can be taken apart? Go get it and bring it back to where you are with your family.
If it isn’t already broken apart, break it apart. Now, put it back together again.
Read Revelation 21:5 together.
It says that “Behold, I am making all things new”. Just like you put that toy or puzzle back together again, God is doing the same thing with this world. When he makes a NEW heaven and a NEW earth, there will be no more BROKENNESS, no more crying, no more pain, no more fighting, no more hurting each other, no more sin!! Isn’t that awesome?!?
This week, when you see something that makes you sad or when you feel pain, remember that God is going to take all of that away one day. If you believe that Jesus came to this world and died for your sins, you will get to be with Him FOREVER in this new wonderful place!
Worship Together
Craft Ideas
God the Creator Puzzle
Color the puzzle.
Then glue onto heavy paper like card stock or paper plates.
Cut out all pieces and now you have a puzzle.
The broken world gets put back together!
Template HERE. *note that there are 3 templates with different amounts of puzzle pieces.
Recreate Something New
Provide your child(ren) with scrap material from around the house/recycling bin like boxes, paper towel tubes, cloth, paper, etc and tell them to recreate something new out of what they have.
Coloring Sheet
New Heaven and New Earth Coloring Sheet - Download HERE