On the Same Team

Sunday, May 16th, 2021


Read Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 with your child(ren).


By PursueGOD Kids


  • Have you ever played a game where you were on a team?

  • Did you know that God has a team?

  • How do you think you get on God’s team?

When anyone believes that God sent his son, Jesus, to die for our sins and that Jesus from the dead, they are rescued. And when they are rescued, they are on God’s team. It’s called the church!

God doesn’t just rescue people and leave them alone. He gives them buddies or helpers. Having buddies is pretty fun right? Think about it.

  • Is watching a movie more fun with someone or alone?

  • What about playing catch? Alone or with a buddy?

  • What about picking up something heavy? By yourself or with help?

We need each other to have more fun, to be able to get things done and to help each other. And God knew that his followers would need each other so he put them on the same team.

  • How would you feel if someone on your team hurt your feelings?

  • Would you still play with your teammate so that you could win the game?

I think you would! God wants all of his team, the church, to get along. That means everyone on the team has to love each other, forgive each other and help each other no matter how hard it is. And you know what? Something special happens when people do this.

  • Read Ecclesiastes 4:9-12.

  • Are two people stronger than one?

  • What about four people? Seven? One hundred?

When God’s people get along, they are stronger together. The church can win big and make a difference. God made it t his way on purpose.

If you have given your heart to Jesus, you are on God’s team and it’s your job to get alone with your teammates. That means forgiving even when it’s hard. It means loving them even when they are different than you. It means helping them even when you want to do something else. LET’S GO TEAM!!

Worship Together


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God’s Team Fan Finger

Template HERE and instructions HERE


God’s Team Flag

Cut out a triangle and glue to a stick. Decorate however you want!


God’s Team People Chain

Instructions HERE

Name and decorate every member of the team!

April Medina