The Big Mystery

Sunday, May 23rd, 2021


Read Ephesians 3:1-13 with your child(ren).


  • Did you know that before God even created the world, he had a plan?

Well he did! And did you know that for a long, long, long time…no seriously, a a LONGGG time, his plan was a MYSTERY to everyone?

  • Do you know what the word MYSTERY means?

Have you ever done a puzzle? Well, a mystery is kind of like a puzzle that is hard to put together. You have to search for CLUES in one tiny piece of a puzzle to figure out how it goes with another piece of a puzzle.

For a long time, God’s plan for this world was a big old puzzle! It didn’t make much sense, but God left people lots of CLUES to figure out his plan or the BIG MYSTERY.

  • Where do you think these clues are?

The CLUES are in the BIBLE! And, in today’s Bible passage, the BIG MYSTERY is actually REVEALED or UNDERSTOOD. It’s kind of like saying, “AHA, I’ve got it! I figured it out!”

  • Read Ephesians 3:6 again.

  • What is the mystery or God’s big plan?

Paul, who wrote the book of Ephesians, is telling the people who live in Ephesians that the mystery is this: God’s love is for EVERYONE! Because of Jesus, ANYONE can become a part of God’s family!

This MYSTERY was hidden for a really, really, really long time. God had a plan to rescue everyone, but it was a MYSTERY to a whole lot of people. There were some clues along the way in the Bible to help them, but the MYSTERY wasn’t revealed until God sent his son Jesus to die for our sins and to come back to life again.

  • Did you know that God wants to REVEAL other MYSTERIES to people that follow him?

Well, he does! He wants his people to know what he is like, who he is and so many other things, but they have to search for the clues in the Bible! If you have put your trust in Jesus, God wants to reveal all sorts of things to you.

This week, ask God to show you things about Him and his plan that you didn’t see or understand before!

Worship Together

April Medina