Reconciled to God Through Jesus

Sunday, August 9th, 2020


Read 2 Corinthians 5:17-21 with your child(ren).


Watch this video created by PursueGOD Kids.

Object Lesson

Sin Separates Us From God

  • Get a piece of twine, rope or string and a pair of scissors.

  • Have two people in your family sit across from one another holding the twine between you.

  • Explain that on one side of the string is God and the other is us. In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve were connected to God, but then sin came in. Ask who tempted Eve.

  • Have the two people pull the string towards them, not too tight, but tight enough. Then take the scissors and cut the twine. *To make it more fun, make a ssss sound like a snake or even attach a green pipe cleaner like a snake to the scissors. They should FALL back a little when you cut the twine. This represents the fall of man.

  • Explain that this is what happened when sin came into the world. It separated us from God. Oh noooooo! But this was not the end of the story!

  • Sit back up again and then tie the twine together explaining that when Jesus died on the cross, it made it so we could be connected to God again. We are no longer separated if we believe in Jesus!


  • Who is your favorite person to be with?

    • How would you feel if you had to be separated from that person forever?

    1. Now, name some things that you really, really, REALLY love.

      • Would you sacrifice or give up that thing to be with your favorite person again?

    This is exactly what God did for us. Can you imagine how much he loved Jesus, his son? God loves us so, so, so very much and really wanted to be with us so he gave up his son, Jesus, as a perfect sacrifice for our sin so that we could be with him forever.

    Not everyone believes in Jesus or understands sin and how it separates us from God. If you believe in Jesus, it is your job to help others be reconciled to God. God wants the WHOLE WORLD to know Him and be with Him because that is how it was meant to be.

Worship Together

Watch this video created by Hillsong Kids.


Craft Ideas

Screen Shot 2020-08-08 at 6.30.17 PM.png

No Longer Separated Craft

Template HERE

All pieces can be cut out and then assembled on construction paper, poster board or anything else they choose.


Instructions HERE


Coloring/Activity Sheets

April Medina