The Way to Pray

Sunday, March 21st, 2021


By Crossroads Kids' Club


  • Do you talk to God by praying?

  • Do you do it with your family? Do you ever pray alone?

  • What kinds of things do you talk to God about?

Many people, including me spend most of our time ASKING God for things…keep me safe, give me the toy i want for my birthday, heal my friend. These are not BAD prayers. In fact, God wants us to ask him for things, but prayer is more than that.

  • Have you ever asked, “What else do I talk to God about?”

The disciples had a question kind of like that. They wanted to know how to pray so they asked Jesus to teach them. And of course he did, because he’s AWESOME! It’s called The Lord’s Prayer and it goes like this.

*Read together and stop at each one to pray through the prompt together. Maybe one family member does the first one and then the second family member does the second one and so on.

  1. “Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be your name.”

    Tell God how amazing he is, how much you love him and how thankful you are for all that he does.

  2. “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”

    Tell him that you trust his plan and know that he is in control.

  3. “Give us this day our daily bread,”

    Ask God for things that you need.

  4. “and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.”

    Ask God to forgive you for making mistakes and hurting him. Ask him to help you forgive others.

  5. “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.”

    Ask God to help you make right choices and to stop sinning.

Wow, you just did some awesome praying! Wasn’t it easy? If you don’t know what to talk to God about, The Lord’s Prayer always helps.

And you know what?! It’s okay if you don’t ALWAYS pray like this. God just wants you to talk to him! He loves to hear your voice!

Worship Together



Trace a hand on 5 pieces of construction paper and cut all out.

On each hand, write out one of the 5 parts of The Lord’s prayer. Decorate each one!

Staple the hands together in the right order. Now you have a way to alway remember The Lord’s Prayer!


Coloring/Activity Pages

  • The Lord’s Prayer Coloring BOOK - Download HERE

    • Print out one of the pages each day to color or print them all.

Additional Activities This Week

  • Dinner Conversations

    • Talk about one part of The Lord’s Prayer every night.

  • Commit it to Memory

    • Challenge you child(ren) to memorize it.

    • Use the worship videos above to help.

April Medina