Sharing the Good News of Jesus

Sunday, October 4th, 2020


Read Mark 16:15-16 and Matthew 28:19-20 with your child(ren).


Watch one of the videos below. The first video is good for Pre-K to 5th Grade and the second is good for toddlers.


  • Have you ever heard a really, really, REALLY good story?

  • Did you want to retell it? Why? What made it so good?

The Gospel is another word for good news! The story of how Jesus came to earth to die for our sins is really, really, REALLY good news and worth sharing.

  • What are some really good things about the story of Jesus?

The good news of Jesus gives us hope that we don’t have to be perfect since he died so that our sins would be forgiven. It can give others hope too, but they can’t know about it unless someone tells them about it.

  • Do you remember the first time you heard the good news of Jesus? Did someone share the good news with you?

  • Share your story of hearing about Jesus for the first time.

Read Mark 16:15 again.

  • Where did Jesus tell the disciples to go and tell about him?

  • Did you know that we have the same job to do as the disciples?

  • Are you scared to tell people about Jesus? Why?

It is our job to tell people the good news of Jesus. We are Jesus’ helpers. We can tell one person and they can tell another person and that person can tell another person. That’s how the Gospel is heard all over the world!

We can also share Jesus with people by doing things. When we love people, we are sharing Jesus with them. When we care for people, we are sharing Jesus with them.

  • Did you share Jesus this week with your family, your friends or your neighbors? How?

  • What is one way you can be Jesus’ helper this week so that someone will hear the good news or know that Jesus loves them?

Worship Together


Craft Ideas


Tell the World

Use tissue paper or construction paper to tear and glue to globe.

Globe Template HERE


Tell the Good News Megaphone

Encourage kids to make the craft on their own from the image above.

They can write the verse on the cup with marker and decorate their megaphone.


Coloring Sheet

  • The Great Commission Coloring Page - Download HERE

Additional Activities this Week

  • If you have dominoes, set them up so that if you topple one, it creates a chain reaction of all of them toppling over. Explain that this is how the Gospel can travel all around the world. One domino tells another domino…

    If you don’t have dominos, just Google, “dominoes falling” and choose one of the hundreds of YouTube videos available to watch.

  • Pray for the nations. Pick a country or city in the world and pray for the people that live there, that they would hear the good news of Jesus.

  • If you feel your child is ready, talk them about sharing the story of Jesus (the Gospel) and their own story of hearing about Jesus.

April Medina