The Best Gift Ever!

Sunday, December 13th, 2020


  • Read John 3:16 with your child(ren).



Do you know that God loves you?

  • Do you know how much he loves you? How much?

God loves us a whole lot…LIKE A LOT!

  • What’s the tallest thing you have ever seen or heard of?

  • What about the largest thing?

  • What’s the longest time you have ever waited for something?

    *ahem, for COVID-19 to be over!

God’s love is taller, larger and longer than whatever you said! In the Bible, it says that his love for us reaches higher than the heavens…WHOAAA!! And, his love goes on forever and ever….WHOAAA! That’s way longer than you have ever had to wait for a snack or to watch a show.

God’s love is BIG and he loves us so much. He wanted to show us how much he loves us so he gave us a gift. Giving gifts to people that we love is fun, right?

  • Have you ever given a gift to someone you love?

  • What was it?

  • What was God’s Christmas gift to us?

If you said, “Jesus”!, ding, ding, ding, you win a prize! Well, not really, but good job! God gave his only son, Jesus, to die for our sins and it is the best gift EVERRRR!

We will never get a present better than this and guess what?! It’s a gift for everyone, not just you and me!

Christmas is a time to celebrate Jesus being born because it reminds us of how much God loves us!

Bible Adventure Lesson

This is 24 minutes long, but really drives home today's lesson.

Worship Together


Craft Ideas

Screen Shot 2020-12-09 at 4.14.20 PM.png

Baby Jesus in a Manger

This is a good option if you have paper bowls and toilet paper rolls around the house.

Instructions HERE


A super easy craft for younger kiddos


Coloring Page

  • God’s Gift to Us Coloring Page - Download HERE

Additional Activities this Week

  • Measure things on a walk with a tape measure. Measure a tree, a sidewalk, etc. Ask, “Is God’s love taller, wider, bigger than that thing?”.

  • Cut out a large heart and write “God’s Love” on it. Each evening at dinner, pass the heart to each family member and have them share one way God showed his love to them that day.

  • If you have The Jesus Storybook Bible, read “He’s here!” on page 176.

April Medina