The Prince of Peace

Sunday, December 20th, 2020


  • Read Luke 2:1-14 with your child(ren).



Have you ever heard the word, peace?

  • What do you think peace means?

A lot of people will say that peace means quiet or no noise. Some will say that it means that everyone gets along and there is no fighting. It kind of does mean those things, but in the Bible, it means something way cooler.

  • Do you worry about anything? What?

  • Are you scared of anything? What?

  • What do you do when you have those feelings?

God promises to make us feel safe and taken care of even when we are worried or scared. This is the peace that the Bible talks about. But how do we get it? How can I stay cool when everything around me is sooo crazy?

  • Have you ever jumped off of something high like your couch or a table into your mom or dad’s arms?

  • You know that your mom or dad will catch you, right?

This is what we call TRUST and it is the special thing we need to have peace. We have to trust that God will catch us even when things are scary. When we trust God, he will give us PEACE! And, wanna know something really cool? He gave us a Prince of Peace!

  • Read Isaiah 9:6

  • Who is the Prince of Peace?

  • When was he born?

Jesus is the Prince of Peace! He came to earth to bring peace to everyone. Christmas is almost here and that means celebrating that Jesus, our Prince of Peace, was born!

When you are scared or worried, you can remember that you have Jesus, the Prince of Peace that has everything under control. That means he will take care of you no matter what!

Worship Together


Craft Ideas

Handprint Christmas doves (1 of 1)-4.jpg

Peace Dove Ornament/Door Hangar

Use a small plate for an ornament and a regular size plate for a door hangar.

Trace one hand, cut out and glue onto plate. Decorate as a dove, a symbol of peace.


Salt Dough Peace Ornament

Can be made with ingredients in the kitchen.

Instructions HERE


Coloring Pages

  • Isaiah 9:6 Christmas Tree Coloring Page - Download HERE

  • Shepherds Visiting Baby Jesus Coloring Page - Download HERE

Additional Activities this Week

  • Play Worry or Fear Tag

With your hands waving around you like crazy, say, “Worry, worry, worry!” or “Fear, fear, fear” and chase after your child(ren) or family members. You may only tag someone if they ARE NOT saying, “I have God’s peace!”. They are safe from being tagged, IT, if they are saying that over and over again. They can get as close to the tagger (fear, worry) as they want as long as they are saying, “I have God’s peace!”.

  • If you have The Jesus Storybook Bible, read “The Singer!” and/or “The Captain of the storm” that touch or worry or fear.

  • As a family, pray for peace for those around you and all over the world.

April Medina