The Body of Christ

Sunday, June 6th, 2021


Read 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 with your child(ren).



  • What do you think is the most important body part?

  • What would you do if you couldn’t use that body part?

  • Let’s say it’s your right arm. How hard would it be to write? Ride your scooter? Eat?

Every part of the body is pretty important. Your eyes, your mouth, your legs. They all have jobs to do.

  • What is an arm’s job?

  • What about eyes?

  • Your nose?

  • Your feet?

Every body part has a job to do and this is just like the church. In 1 Corinthians 12:27 it says that anyone who believes in Jesus and follows him is in THE BODY OF CHRIST. The church is the body of Christ.

Hmm, this seems kind of confusing, right? Well, let’s break it down!

Johnny believes in Jesus and is a part of the church. He’s really good at singing. He has a friend who also believes in Jesus. Her name is Sarah and she is really, really, really good at getting to know people.

  • What kinds of jobs do you think Johnny and Sarah could have in the body of Christ?

I think Johnny could help others worship Jesus by singing in the band at church. Sarah could help new people feel like they are at home when they come to church or invite them to have lunch.

Johnny and Sarah have different jobs or parts to play in the church, but both are important. Everyone in the body of Christ has a job to do. Everyone has to work together just like the parts of the body work together.

  • Try clapping with one hand. Does it work?

  • Try to write something without using your thumb. Does it work?

Clapping is pretty hard with one hand and writing is pretty hard with four fingers instead of five. Some things can be done alone, but that is not how God meant for it to be. He wants the body of Christ to use their special gifts to work together.

And you know what? When the body of Christ works together, they can do something pretty amazing.

  • Do you know what it is?

The church can work together to help people understand how much God loves them and how to follow Jesus. That’s the WHOLE body of Christ’s job to do it works about a thousand times better when they work TOGETHER!

Worship Together



Template HERE

A brown paper bag will be needed as well.


Melted Crayon Craft

Instructions HERE

April Medina