The Parting of the Red Sea
Sunday, April 5th, 2020
Read Exodus 14:5-31 with your family.
If they don’t know or remember the Israelites’ journey to this moment, take the time to summarize the Exodus from slavery to the plagues to the Israelites wandering in the desert.
Watch this video created by Pursue God Kids!
Focus on how crazy amazing this story is. If they’ve ever been to the ocean, talk about what it would be like if the ocean just opened up and you could see the bottom. How would you feel? Would you be afraid? What do you think you would see?
The Israelites were in between Pharaoh’s army and the Red Sea. There didn’t seem to be a way out. Ahhh! Talk about what if feels like to be hopeless or without a way out. Maybe even tell them about a time you felt that way and God took care of you.
Right now, they may be scared or confused with all that is happening around us. Talk about what it looks like to trust God. Maybe even talk about why they might be scared.
God is always on our side. In verses 13 and 14, it says he will fight for us! God is our rescuer and we can see that in this story, but he also rescued us from sin and death. Try to bring it back to this truth when possible.
The words/concepts below were touched on in the video and text that your child(ren) heard but may not fully understand. We encourage you to discuss them.
Hardened the hearts [of Pharaoh and the Egyptians]
Questions (Ages 3-11)
Who was after Moses and the Israelites?
What did God do to help the Israelites escape?
Is there a time you were in a hard situation and you didn’t know what to do?
What was your favorite part of the story?
Craft Ideas
If you’ve got a paper plate, this one is pretty easy. They can color the plate blue, glue a strip of brown paper down or color that portion brown and then fold up the sides of the plate. Have them draw and cut out people and sea animals.
This is a harder craft so is best for ages 5 and up. Use the instructions and templates HERE.
Coloring Sheet
Crossing Together: You’ll need a stack of paper. Get in a line on one side of the room and choose a destination. The last family member in line will have a stack of paper. The trick to getting to the destination is that each person can only step on the piece of paper in front of them. Hand one sheet down the line and have the first person lay it down. Then move. Then lay down another and another and keep going.
To make it more fun, set up a few chairs on both sides of the path and drape over blue/dark blankets or sheets. Before you start the game, have them cut out sea life and tape them to the blankets. Now you can work together to walk through the Red Sea!
Fun Snack
Blue jello with Swedish fish mixed in. Have them help you make it. Once it’s done, they can carve a path down the middle of the jello and even walk toy people through it!