Walk in the Light

Sunday, June 20th, 2021


Read Ephesians 5:8 and 1 John 1:5-10 with your child(ren).



  • Have you ever tried to get dressed in the dark?

  • If not, do you think it’s easier to get dressed or pick out clothes with the light on? Why?

Getting dressed is way easier with the lights on. Believe me, I’ve tried getting dressed in the dark. It was a mess! I grabbed a bathing suit bottom instead of underwear, socks that didn’t match and put my shirt on backwards!!

  • What are some other things that are easier to do in the light than in the dark? Cooking? Taking a shower?

Lots of things are easier to do in the light! And you know what?! God thinks so too. In the Bible, there are all sorts of verses about the light.

1 John 1:7 says, “But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.”

Did you know that when someone decides to follow Jesus, God wants them to walk in the light? Wait a minute, what does that even mean?

  • Have the lights ever gone out in your house?

  • What did you and your family do? Did you light candles? Did you get flashlights?

  • What happened when you lit the candles or used the flashlight?

You could see again, right?! And in a new way with flashlights or candles. Well, when someone decides to follow Jesus, God gives them a new way to see. God lets them see the world like he sees the world.

They get to see how to love people like God loves. They get to see how to forgive people like God forgives.

But, walking in the light doesn’t just mean a NEW WAY TO SEE. It also means a NEW WAY TO BE! It means making right choices like obeying your parents or forgiving your brother or sister.

If someones isn’t sure how to walk in the light, it’s okay. God gave the world a perfect someone to follow.

  • Who do you think this someone is?

It’s Jesus! He saw everyone and everything around him like God sees them and he ONLY made right choices! He never sinned! He was perfect!

We can’t be perfect like Jesus, but if we love him, we can try to be more like him by walking in the light!

Worship Together


light switch.jpeg

Light switch Covers

  • Trace light switch cover with paper.

  • Write out “Jesus is the Light” or “Walk in the Light” and decorate.

  • Cut out and make sure you cut out a piece for the light switch.

  • Now tape over the light switch in your room!

Every time you turn on the light, you can remember to WALK IN THE LIGHT!

Coloring/Activity Sheets

  • Light of the World Coloring Page 1 - Download HERE

  • Light of the World Coloring Page 2 - Download HERE


FLASHLIGHT TAG: Darken the room as much as possible and let each person take turns trying to TAG someone else with the flashlight. If the light rays "catch" someone, it becomes the next person's turn to try to tag someone with the flashlight ray.

April Medina