What is Jesus Worth?

Sunday, March 7th, 2021


Read one or both of the following with your child(ren).

  • Mark 14:3-9

  • “Washed with Tears” from The Jesus Storybook Bible (p.280)




  • What is the most important thing you own? Think about a special toy or a piece of jewelry.

In the story today, a woman has a very precious, important and expensive thing that she gives to Jesus.

  • What is it? *Hint: She pours it on his head!

That’s right! She broke a very, very beautiful and expensive jar of perfume and poured the perfume onto Jesus' head. It cost a whole lot of money and some of the disciples couldn’t believe she did that.

  • Do you know how much the jar of perfume cost? *Read Mark 14:5 again for the answer.

It says it was worth 300 denarii. Back then, that is about how much someone would make for working for a WHOLE YEAR!! Whoaa, that’s a lot of money! The disciples thought it was such a waste, but Jesus thought it was wonderful!

  • Do you know why he thought it was wonderful?

Jesus thought it was wonderful and the Bible even says that it was BEAUTIFUL, because the woman knew Jesus was worth it.

That means she didn’t care how much the jar cost or what else the money could be used for because Jesus was more important to her. She was showing him how much he meant to her.

Jesus has been so good to us! He died on the cross for us. He deserves everything we have to give him. He is worth EVERYTHING!

Worship Together




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Scented Perfume for Jesus

Use a paper plate to cut out a jar/perfume bottle. If you prefer a print out of a jar, there is one HERE

Make scented glue with an essential oil mixture or something similar using fresh citrus.

Use the scented glue and a small paintbrush to glue on torn tissue paper or pieces of construction paper. If you have circular stickers, they can paint glue over the stickers.


Coloring Pages

  • Jesus Anointed Coloring Page - Download HERE

  • Alabaster Jar Color by Number Page - Download HERE

Additional Activities This Week

  • Act Out the Story

    • Gather cotton balls in a jar or bucket. Have them tell the story and then dump the cotton balls over someone’s head like the woman did with the perfume for Jesus. For added fun, add essential oil to the cotton balls.

  • Dinner Convo

    • What is Jesus worth to you?

  • Same Story, Different Version

    • The Gospels of Matthew, Mark and John all have a slightly different account of this interaction. Go over all three together. What are the differences? Similarities?

April Medina