Nicole's Collective Story

In a city where trends, consumerism, and the pursuit of popularity can easily sway us, it can be difficult to find stability or a committed church community. That's why I’m so grateful for Collective Church.

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Lorenzo Smith
Victoria's Collective Story

I was introduced to Collective Church early on and was warmly welcomed and embraced from the beginning. The people of Collective Church feel not only like good friends, but truly like spiritual family.

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Lorenzo Smith
Theo's Collective Story

I have belonged to Collective Church since its inception, after I had spent almost a year commuting to the Westside from central LA for work, and decided I wanted to move closer to work and join a new church community there.

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Lorenzo Smith
Ali's Collective Story

Before moving from Cleveland to LA, my biggest prayer for the move was that God would lead me to a community of people who are committed to living for God's glory. I think that this is a prayer that God loves to answer - and answer it He did!

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Lorenzo Smith